Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Speech: It is time to stand up!

This was a speech given by a young student just in front of the Beijing University on Feb 17, 1938. He stood in a humble stage and surrounded by numerous people. He was so brave because he might get shoot in every second. However, he looked like he got enough courage to face with death. His speech was inspiring and successful. It’s impressing for me, and I believe Chinese would remember him as well.

It is time to stand up!

As a Chinese student, I am really mad at what the Japanese did for the people who live in Nanjing. Actually, I was born in Nanjing. When the Nanking Massacre happened, I was studying University in Beijing. I was lucky that I have not been killed, but I lost the chance to fight with Japanese! When I heard the massacre happened, I was so worried about my family members who were still in Nanjing and finally I decided to go back. When I was on my way home, I got more and more information about the Nanjing’s miserable situation. They are so cruel. How could they kill 350,000 people in 6 weeks[1] without any guilt? Almost whole city was collapsed and corpses were everywhere. The city looks like a hell. Such a barbarian race! I think the whole world should stand up to against the Japanese. Especially the Chinese, we cannot accept the blatant aggression, which has broken the morality of human being. I know a significant amount of Chinese have the same emotion with me that we have nothing left but the motivation to defeat Japanese. We have the power to change the situation and fight against Japanese. What all of us need to do is to stand up, take our courage and duty as a citizen to fight for our nation. It is time to stand up!

    When I found the picture that hundreds naked dead women were piling up besides river on the newspaper, it made me feel extremely angry. Now I see what exactly the Japanese think about Chinese, they even did not treat those women as human, and they just want to satisfy their sexuality, and then killed them. I believe everyone would feel upset about this, but only upset is not enough! People! Chinese people! We need to stand up! We cannot hide any more! We cannot witness our Chinese dignity trampled under Japanese feet. The Japanese killed our families, our friends and our people. We need to do something to show we are not cowards, and we are very mad at what they did to us. They have to pay for what they did. It is important for us to unify to protect our country, our rights and our dignity. Do not be afraid of being killed. At this time, the honor is more important then life. We are Chinese people, we are powerful and strong, any other countries attempt to invade us, we will not back up, and what we are going to do is to fight against the enemy. No matter how dangerous it will be, how much it will cost; we cannot lose our honor of being Chinese. All the Chinese people! It is time to wake up, use our power and faith to defend our country. 
China! It is time to stand up!

----Translated by Wei Wang

[1] Michael Berry, "Cinematic Representations of the Rape of Nanking," East Asia : An International Quarterly 19, no.4 (2001), 85-108.

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